Thank you for your thoughtful article about outgoing District 6 Councilman Pierluigi Oliverio (Page 1B, Dec. 21).
In 2012, Oliverio was re-elected with close to 68 percent of the vote — not because everyone in District 6 agreed with all his positions, but because he looked first to represent our district’s interests while still being mindful of the needs of the city. First and foremost, he listened to and was responsive to his constituents.
Oliverio had the courage to stand up to the special interests groups. He had the intelligence and desire to do the hard work of passing thoughtful legislation. He had the courage to ask tough questions to ensure that taxpayers’ money was spent wisely and productively.
I wish Oliverio much success in his future endeavors and welcome Councilwoman Dev Davis in her new position as our representative.
Rabbi Menachem Levine – San Jose